One of my favourite quick calm fixes if I'm feeling any old overwhelm or old frustration is to concentrate on my breathing.
Here is a simple breathing and visualisation exercise to help you get calm in under 1 minute as you refocus and release yourself from your old stress or old overwhelm:
Breathe in through your nose for the count of 3.
Hold your breath for the count of 3.
Breathe out for the count of 3.
Imagine a white light surrounding you with warm love and kindness.
Breathe in love for the count of 3.
Hold your breath for the count of 3.
Breathe out everything else for the count of 3.
Repeat until you feel calm enough to continue your day.
If you can close your eyes or step outside to increase it's relaxing and rebalancing effect.
Remember to reach out for support if anything feels too big to handle alone.
With so much love, light & gratitude for you exactly as you are now and always,
Liz xx
P.S. Enjoy relaxing meditations and more calm resources in your complimentary Calm Connection Vault when you sign up for my site here: www.lizclifton.co.uk/calmvault